Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Fitness Exercise Programs For Beginners

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There is no complete fitness program for beginners, because everyone's different. However, there are some pointers you can take to heart when it comes to starting your exercise program that should help you get in shape relatively quickly.

If you've decided to start with a fitness exercise program, good for you. Now's the time to get in shape, and it's never too late to begin. There are a few steps you should take when it comes to starting an exercise program. Let's take a look at them.

Step 1: see your doctor

This is very important, because if you've been sedentary for a while, you're not going to want to do anything that's going to hurt you. Get a thorough physical and find out if there are any contraindications to strenuous exercise before you begin.

Step 2: start slowly

The most important reason, first and foremost, to get involved in an exercise program is for overall health. If you've been sedentary for a while, you're not going to want to spend two hours exercising on your first day. You'll just make yourself sore, and you might even hurt yourself to the point where you will have to lay off exercise for a while, which puts you right back at square one. For that reason, any beginner fitness program has to be relatively light. Don't worry, though. As you continue, your body will adjust quickly and you can pick up the pace.

Step 3: Include the right things in your beginner fitness program

When you first start out, you might just want to begin with some simple walking. Even five to 10 minutes on your first day is going to give you a good start.

As you progress in your exercise program, you're going to want to add strength training exercises, and some stretching, warm up and cool down, too, so you don't hurt yourself. Easy does it, though. Set simple goals first, such as that you're going to walk 10 minutes a day, every day. You can build from there. Your goal is to eventually be doing at least 20 minutes of some kind of exercise every day, preferably an hour's worth eventually.

Step 4: Make sure you sweat every time

As you progress in your exercise program, make sure you don't let up on the intensity. Your goal should be to break a good sweat and keep it going for 20 to 30 minutes every day. You should also be able to talk to people when you're working out, but not comfortably. In other words, you should be slightly out of breath when you're working out.

Step 5: Change it up

As your body gets used to certain kinds of exercise, it will begin to be more efficient with them, which means your fitness levels will drop if you do the same kinds of exercise all the time. So alternate cardiovascular exercises and strength training exercises in your daily workout. For example, one day you might decide that you want to swim for your cardiovascular exercise and work on your quads for strength training. The next day, you might want to ride your bike for your cardiovascular exercise and do some bench presses for your strength training. And remember; again, keep the intensity up no matter what you do.

Step 6: Eat right, drink enough water, and get enough sleep

No exercise program is going to keep you looking and feeling your best if you don't eat right, drink enough water, and get enough sleep. Most people should shoot for a good eight hours of sleep a night. Your diet should include plenty of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and fruits and vegetables, with some good unsaturated fats thrown in. It should limit or eliminate refined carbohydrates, junk food, etc.

By Rudolph Weiss

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