Monday 12 April 2010

Quick Abs - Food And Workouts

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Great abs can be had quickly by watching what you eat and what you do. Instead of falling for the latest fad diet and the latest wonder machine, just control food intake and engage in daily physical activity. Striking a balance between these 2 factors will give you great abs very quickly.

Diet plus exercise are the keys to getting quick abs. By controlling what we eat, we ensure that our body will not store any more fat. Then by increasing our exercise activity to affect our metabolism, the body will burn more body fat and make the abs more visible.

Our diet plays a key role in getting visible abs. When we eat complex carbohydrates and lean protein, we provide our body with the proper fuel to burn. We need to avoid high fat foods, sodas and fast foods, which are high in calories and difficult for our body to fully burn. When our body is unable to burn all the calories we eat, it is converted into fat and stored in our body.

Having small, frequent meals in a day helps control caloric intake and keeps us from feeling fatigued. Digesting these meals also uses up more energy so there are more chances to use up excess body fat.

Daily physical activity is key to speed up your metabolism. Maintaining such activity forces the body to burn more calories than usual and doing this regularly will make the body efficient at burning fat.

In addition, activities that get your whole body moving like lunges, squats, chin ups and push ups burn more calories than isolated exercises like leg lifts and tricep extensions.

High intensity exercises using intervals or weights makes the body work harder because the muscles have to function even with lower oxygen content. The body now has to continually use up energy to restock with oxygen, repair and remove waste from the muscles leading to greater body fat loss.

Diet plus exercise is a simple formula to follow to get quick abs. Watching what we eat and having a regular schedule of exercise with weight training and interval training, we can turn our body into a fat burning machine and give you quick ab results.

By : Dante Solaris

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